学术兼职:中国微米纳米学会微纳机器人分会理事; 中国人工智能学会认知系统与信息处理专业委员会常务委员; 中国自动化学会认知计算与系统专业委员会委员;中国自动化学会导航制导与控制专业委员会委员。近五年,主持承担国家自然科学基金项目 2 项,国家重大科研仪器专项子课题 1 项、军委科技委前沿创新计划 1 项、教育部高校博士学科点专项基金 1 项以及其它科研项目共 20余项,作为技术骨干参与多项国家 973、 863 计划项目、国家重点研发项目。在国内外重要学术刊物发表 SCI/EI 检索文章 60 余篇,其中以第一作者或唯一通讯作者发表SCI 论文22 篇,授权国家发明专利10 项,获部级技术发明二等奖 1 项。其中10余篇论文发表在IEEE系统学会主办的IEEE System Journal、国际机构学与机器联合会主办的Mechanism and Machine Theory、国际宇航学会主办的Acta Astronautica以及Nonlinear Dynamics等本领域的国际Q1杂志上,SCI严格他引62次。近五年发表在国际权威期刊的部分代表性论文: 1. 楚中毅, 崔晶, 孙富春. Fuzzy adaptive disturbance-observer based robust tracking control of electrically driven free-floating space manipulator. IEEE Systems Journal. 2014, 8(2): 343-352 (SCI:AI8IH;IF:4.337;Q1) 2. 楚中毅, 雷宜安. Design theory and dynamic analysis of a deployable boom. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2014, 71: 126-141 (SCI:255HT;IF:2.796;Q1) 3. 楚中毅, 雷宜安, 李丹. Dynamics and robust adaptive control of a deployable boom for a space probe. Acta Astronautica. 2014, 97: 138-150 (SCI:AD7ZY;IF:2.227;Q1) 4. 楚中毅,胡健,燕少博,周苗. Experiment on the retraction/deployment of an active-passive composited driving deployable boom for space probes. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2015, 92: 436-446 (SCI:CO8PY;IF:2.796;Q1) 5. 楚中毅,崔晶,任善勇, Shuzhi Sam Ge. Semi-physical experimental study of adaptive disturbance rejection filter approach for vibration control of a flexible spacecraft. Proc IMechE Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 2015,229(11):2085-2094 (SCI:CP3ZD) 6. 楚中毅,李建超,卢山. The composite hierarchical control of multi-link multi-DOF space manipulator based on UDE and improved sliding mode control. Proc IMechE Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 2015,229(14):2634-2645 (SCI: CW7JH) 7. 崔晶, 赵飞,楚中毅*. Experiment on trajectory tracking control of high precise positioning system based on iterative learning controller with wavelet filtering. Mechatronics. 2015, 32: 88-95. (Q2,IF:2.423, SCI:DA5QY) 8. 楚中毅,马也,侯月阳,王奉文. Inertial parameter identification using contact force information for an unknown object captured by a space manipulator. Acta Astronautica. 2017, 131:69-82 (SCI:EJ2CU;IF:2.227;Q1) 9. 楚中毅,邸静楠,崔晶. Analysis of the effect of attachment point bias during large space debris removal using a tethered space tug. Acta Astronautica. 2017, 139:34-41(SCI:FH6PR;IF: 2.227;Q1) 10. 楚中毅,邸静楠,崔晶. Hybrid tension control method for tethered satellite systems during large tumbling space debris removal. Acta Astronautica. 2018,152:611-623(SCI:GZ2RK;IF: 2.227;Q1) 11. 楚中毅,马也,崔晶. Adaptive reactionless control strategy via the PSO-ELM algorithm for free-floating space robots during manipulation of unknown objects. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2018,(91): 1321-1335(SCI:FT7RD, IF:4.339,Q1) 12. 楚中毅,燕少博,胡健,卢山. Impedance identification using tactile sensing and its adaptation for an underactuated gripper manipulation. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. 2018,16(2): 875-886 (SCI:GC1VX,IF:2.173,Q2) 13. 崔晶,赖咪,楚中毅*, 孙富春. Experiment on impedance adaptation of under-actuated gripper using tactile array under unknown environment. Science China F series, 2018,61: 122202 (SCI:HC0FB,IF:1.628,Q2) 14. 崔晶,燕少博,胡健,楚中毅*. A metric to design spring stiffness of underactuated fingers for stable grasp. Robotics and Autonomous Systems,2018, 102:1-12 (SCI:GB3RJ, IF:2.638,Q2) 15. 楚中毅,魏涛,沈涛,邸静楠,崔晶,孙俊. Optimal commands based multi-stage drag de-orbit design for a tethered system during large space debris removal. Acta Astronautica. 2019.01 on line (SCI;IF: 2.227;Q1) |