孙 畅
Release time:March 18, 2023/ 助理研究员,硕士生导师




(1) 量子磁场传感、

(2) 光纤激光


(1) 教授本科生课程《激光原理与技术》

(2) 教授本科生课程《微电子与光电子》


(1) Chang Sun*, Tingwu Ge, Kang Cao; Zhiyong Wang. 143.4 W high power combined white supercontinuum source using a (7×1) supercontinuum fiber combiner, Frontiers in Physics, 2022,10: 1-7.

(2) Siran Li, Jixi Lu, Danyue Ma, Kun Wang, Yanan Gao, Chang Sun, Bangcheng Han; In Situ Measurement of Nonorthogonal Angles of a Three-Axis Vector Optically Pumped Magnetometer, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurment, 2022, 71: 7001109-7001109.

(3) Bozheng Xing, Chang Sun*, ziao Liu, Junpeng Zhao, Jixi Lu, Bangcheng Han, Ming Ding. Probe noise characteristics of the spin-exchange relaxation-free (SERF) magnetometer. Optics Express, 2021, 29(4): 5055-5067.

(4) Jixi Lu, Chang Sun*, Danyue Ma, Ke Yang, Junpeng Zhao, Bangcheng Han, Wei Quan, Ning Zhang, Ming Ding. Effect of gaps on magnetic noise of cylindrical ferrite shield, Journal of Physics Dapplied Physics, 2021, 54(25): 255002-055002.

(5) Bozheng Xing, Ming Ding, Jixi Lu, Chang Sun, Ning Zhang, Xiujie Fang, Junpeng Zhao, Ke Yang, Danyue Ma, Bangcheng Han. Calibration for phase retardation of photoelastic modulator based on compound Bessel function. Optik, 2020, 2020(206): 164322.

(6) Chang Sun*, Tingwu Ge, Na An, Kang Cao, Zhiyong Wang. High power white supercontinuum fiber laser and white supercontinuum beam combiner. SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, United States, 2017. 10083: 100831X-1.

(7) Chang Sun, Tingwu Ge, Siyuan Li, Na An, Kang Cao, Zhiyong Wang. 53.3 W visible-wavelength extra high power supercontinuum all-fiber laser. IEEE Photonics Journal. 2016, 8(6):1-7.

(8) Chang Sun, Tingwu Ge, Siyuan Li, Na An, Zhiyong Wang. 67.9 W high power white supercontinuum all-fiber laser source. Applied Optics, 2016, 55(14): 3746-3750.




School of Instrumentation Science and Optoelectronic Engineering

Address:Room 201, No. 4 Teaching Building, Beihang University, 100191